Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Brandish, one of the Spriggans, raises an island several kilometers in the air

Basic values and scaling

First panel

Height of the random person = 1.7 m = 18 px

Height of the ship = 162 px = 15.2999 m

Second panel 

Height of the ship = 3 px = 15.2999 m

Width of the island = 588 px = 2998.79804 m

Third panel

Island's width = 2998.79804 m = 218 px

Island's top = 31 px = 426.434 m

Island's height = 90 px = 1238.0358 m

Stone colomn's width = 320 px = 4401.9053 m

Stone colomn's height = 708.935 px = 9752.077 m

Height above sea level = 650 px = 8941.3703 m


Volume of the structure = volume of the top island + volume of the colomn 

Volume of the top island = volume of a conical frustum 

Volume of the top island = 6947690000 m^3

Volume of the colomn = volume of a cylinder 

Volume of the colomn = 148411793819.058 m^3

Total volume = 155359483819.05 m^3

Density = 2700 kg/m^3

Mass of the structure = 419470606311459.214 kg

Center of weight of the structure = height/2

Center of weight = 4470.685 m

GPE = m*h*g

GPE = 18391273155616350854.96 joules or 4.3956 gigatons of TNT (Island)


Brandish brings up their world = 4.3956 gigatons of TNT (Island)

Pretty casual feat. Should scale to half a dozen characters
