Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Everything is conviniently given already 

The Diameter of the Star is said to be nearly equal to 2 times the size of the whole Solar System

Diameter = 574920000000000 meters

Radius = 287460000000000 meters

Volume = (4/3)*r^3*Pi= 9.949 * 10^44 m^3

Mass = Density * Volume = 1.9899 * 10^45 kg

GBE of the Star 

GBE =3 GM^2 / 5 R

  • Mass = 1.9899 * 10^45 kg
  • G = 6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

U = 5.516598665832 * 10^65 J - Boderline Galaxy Level 

Considering this feats looks casual as hell, pretty impressive 
