Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Yulian Dodges an Arrow

First Panel

  • Yulian's height= 1.7 meters= 144px
  • His head= 13px= 0.15 meter
  • Head width= 11px= 0.13 meter

Second Panel

  • His head= 0.15 meter= 263px
  • Distance of arrow from his face= 23px= 0.013 meter
  • Arrow width= 48px= 0.028 meter

Third Panel

  • Arrow width= 0.028 meter= 11px
  • Distance Yulian moved= 117px= 0.29 meter

Speed of an arrow= 100 m/s

Timframe= Distance/Speed= 0.00013 second

Speed= D/T= 2219 m/s or Mach 6.5 - Hypersonic

This was an offguard, base, early series Yulian 

Heavenly Beam 

First Panel

  • Yulian's height= 1.7 meters= 144px (Yes, I am reusing the first panel from above)
  • His Arm= 44px= 0.5 meter

Second Panel

  • His arm= 0.5 meter= 36px

Now the crater diamter and depth goes on increasing with distance, hence I will take an average as a low-end.

  • Crater diameter= 500px= 7.2 meters

a= 3.6 meters

  • Depth= 114px= 1.6 meters

b= 0.8 meter

Third Panel

  • His arm= 0.5 meter= 22px
  • Beam length= 520px= 12 meters

It is possible the beam's length is much more longer, but on panel this is the only length shown c= 6 meters

Volume= (4/3)*Pi*abc= 76289796 cc

  • Vapourization Value= 25700 j/cc

E= 1960647770659 Joules or 0.5 Kilotons of TNT - Multi block level

He already scales above characters that have feats in Kilotons range so this is pretty much useless. Meh. 

Bega Chicks make some craters

Began tribe


  • Psycho height= 1.7 meters= 25px
  • Crater width= 55px= 3.74 meters

a= b= 1.87 meters

  • crater depth= 10px= 0.68 meter

c= 0.34 meter

Volume= (4/3)*Pi*abc= 4980245 cc

  • Pulverization Value= 214.35 j/cc

E= 1067515592 Joules or 0.26 Tons of TNT - Building level

Scales to everyone who passed 4th trial
