Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Tanzaku Castle Destruction[]

Orochimaru's fodder snakes destroy Tanzaku castle . Feat takes place in Chapter 154

Castle destruction

I am going to take 2 meters for windows here becuase castles usually have big as fuck windows. 

  • Window= 2 meters= 29px
  • Width= 955px= 66 meters

Gonna scale the window again for the height. Why? Because of perspective. The highest building of castle is at a distance from the window I previously scaled.

Window= 2 meters= 17px

Height= 983px= 115.6 meters

I was not sure what shape I should consider to find volume, but then I came across this NF blog where Pyramid shape was accepted. So we gonna role that for now

Volume= (1/3) lwh

  • l= 115.6 meters 
  • w=h= 66 meters

Volume= 167218 m^3

Omitting 80% of the volume for hollowness

Actual Volume= 33443.68 m^3

Fragmentation= 6 j/cc

E= 200662085752 Joules or 48 tons of TNT - High-end city block level

Another Fodder Snake feat[]

Fodder snakes make crater in the ground

Fodder snake width

Orochimaru= 1.8 meters= 43px

Snake width= 278px= 11.64 meters

Now for the crater

Fodder snake crater
  • Snake width= 11.64 meters= 57px
  • Crater width= 398px= 81.26 meters
  • Crater height= 547px= 112 meters

There is no way to accurately measure depth of the crater, but considering how parts of snakes is completely submerged in the swamp, depth should be more than snake's width. So depth= 11.64 meters

Volume= lbh= 105600 m^3

Pulverization= 8 J/cc

E= 844806429358 Joules or 201.9 Tons of TNT - Multi block level

This was done by 2 snakes, so value gets divided in 2 which gives 101 Tons which is still Multi block

Both Naruto and Sasuke have defeated these fodder snakes in Chunin Exams, so they scale to this. 

Jiraiya's Katon: Toad Flame Boss[]

Jiraiya fires a katon with the help of Gamabunta which spreads covers a massive area

  • Gamabunta= 100 meters= 101px (His official height listed in databooks)
  • Fireball radius= 1163px= 1151 meters

AoE is 1+ km so Town level based on AoE alone

Final Tally[]

Tanzaku Castle Destruction (48 tons - city block)

Fodder snake feat (101 tons - Multi block)

Toad Flame Boss (AoE - 1151 meters)
