Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origin: Fairy Tail

Alias/Aka: Racer

Classification: Human Mage, Oración Seis, Crime Sorcière

Threat level: Tiger

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Time Manipulation (Type 3), Can summon vechicles which he can remotely control

Physical strength: Multi block level striking (His punches seriously injured Lyon)

Attack Potency: At least Multi Block (Overwhelmed both Gray and Lyon)

Durability: Multi block level (Should at least be as durable as his Physical strength)

Speed: At least Hypersonic, higher with Slowing Magic

Intelligence: High

Stamina: High

Range: At least Tens of Meters

Weakness: His "slowing magic" has a limited range. Only people and objects within a certain area around Sawyer are affected by it.

Standard equipment: Dagger
