Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Kisuke Urahara (浦原 喜助, Urahara Kisuke) is the former captain of the 12th Division, as well as the founder and 1st President of the S.R.D.I.. His lieutenant was Hiyori Sarugaki. He lives in the Human World where he owns a small convenience store which sells Shinigami items. He is assisted by his employees Tessai Tsukabishi, Jinta Hanakari, and Ururu Tsumugiya.

Powers and Stats

Dimensionality: 3D

Threat level: At least Dragon to Dragon+

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity (Shinigami lives for thousands of years), Invisibility (Shinigami are invisible to people without Reitsu or spiritual awareness), Non-Physical Interaction (Soul reapers can interact with spiritual entities such as Ghosts and Hollows), Soul Manipulation (Shinigami can interact, attack, and destroy souls as well as BFR them), Enhanced Senses (Can sense beings with Reiatsu), Passive Overwhelming Aura (Reiatsu can causes various side effects depending on the gap in power, raging from Fear inducement, Paralysis and Soul destruction), Expert Swordsmanship, Shunpo expert (speed enhancement technique), Energy Manipulation (Can use Reiryoku and exert it as Reiatsu, which is used to increase the user's offensive power and defensive abilities), Flight (Type 3, Can effectively fly by solidifying the reishi in atmosphere under his feet), Transformation (Only for his Zanpakutō, which changes its shape in shikai state), Statistics Amplification (Shikai and Bankai increase his Reiatsu), Barrier Creation, Energy Projection (Can generate energy slashes), Healing, Energy Absorption (With Hado 99), Matter Manipulation, Durability Negation and Spatial Manipulation (his bankai can rebuild space by opening or slicing it, recostructing it to make it stronger), Resistance to Soul Manipulation

Physical strength: At least Island+ possibly Country (Can be amplified much higher by having his bankai restructure his body)

Attack Potency: At least Country+, likely Continetal+ (scaling from Aizen, His Hado 99 can be that strong), his bankai ignores durability

Durability: At least Island+ likely Country (Could take attacks from Askin)

Speed: At least Sub-Relativistic, possibly Relativistic (Yoruichi's sparring partner, fought Sōsuke Aizen, kept up with Askin Nakk Le Vaar in combat)

Intelligence: Super genius. Of extreme cunning, to the point he is used as the benchmark which Mayuri Kurotsuchi atempts to surpass and his intellect was praised as the highest in all of Bleach verse by Sosuke Aizen himself. This is further confirmed by it being revealed Yhwach designated him as one of the 5 war potentials due to his unpredictable methods product of his inhuman intellect. Created a Hogyoku before Aizen, has elaborated multiple techs which are easily adaptable to various situations and has been confirmed extremely knowledgeable on even the Soul King itself, Kisuke Urahara is indeed undoubtedly the highest intellect in the entire Bleach verse.

Stamina: Very high. Continued fighting Askin even after losing his eyesight and being under an extremely poisonous environment which would of killed any normal shinigami before Urahara had even released bankai.

Range: Dozens of meters.

Weakness: None notable.


His zanpakuto (Benihime) and array of other drugs and techs he carries to resolve potential troubles

