Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origins: Gantz

Classification: Human, "Gantzster"

Threat level: Tiger-

  • It is worth noting that these stats are due to wearing a Gantz suit. However, without it he is still a low superhuman.

Physical strength: Large building+ level striking (Even his normal body is so strong that Kurono had trouble fighting him as if he used too much power hed kill Kaze, but if he used too little Kaze might actually beat him. Obviously with the Gantz suit amplifying his strength further he is the physically strongest of the Gantzsters.)

Destructive capacity: At least building+ (although Gantz guns ignore durability to an extent)

Durability: Large building+

Speed: At least supersonic (Already superhuman even without the suit)

Intelligence: Above average. An extremely skilled martial artist with plenty of combat experience. Thanks to his skill and power he managed to survive all the Gantz missions.

Stamina: High. Even without his Gantz suit he is already physically superhuman.

Standard equipment: Gantz suit (only usable by him), Gantz gun, Gantz sword
