Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origin: Fairy Tail

Classification: Member of Grimoire heart

Threat level: Demon-

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Gravity Manipulation, can nullify attacks to some extent

Physical strength: At least Town+ level striking (Superior to Base Natsu. Matched casual punches of Gildarts) || At least Town+ striking

Attack potency/Destructive capacity: At least Town+ (Casually supressed base Natsu, lucy and wendy), likely higher (The potency of his "Black Hole" attack, which was his strongest attack, was never seen as Gildarts nullified it) || Likely city

Durability: City (Survived a punch from Gildarts, this was the aftereffect of the punch) || City

Speed: At least Hypersonic+ || At least Hypersonic+

Intelligence: Average

Stamina: High

Range: At least Hundreds of meters

Weakness: None notable

Standard equipment: None notable

Key: Pre Timeskip || Post Second Timeskip
