Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Azula 1

Origins: Avatar - The Last Airbender

Classification: Human Firebender, Princess of the Fire Nation,

Threat level: Tiger- || Tiger

Powers and abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, fire manipulation, lightning manipulation, pseudo-flight with fire manipulation, capable of lying so effectively that even Toph could not sense it regardless of how blatant the lie was, also displayed an ability to realize whether or not someone was telling the truth, skilled martial artist.

Physical strength: Wall level physically (At least as strong as Suki and Sokka), building level+ with bending || Wall level physically, at least large building level with bending

Attack potency/Destructive capacity: Building+ (One of the most powerful benders in the series, took on both Aang and Zuko in Book 1 as well as shielded against a joint attack from five benders, heavily damaged a cliff-side with her lightning, Zuko was confident that he would require Katara's help in order to defeat Azula in the finale of Book 3 before Azula became emotionally unstable) || At least large building (Created enormous bursts of flame in her clashes with Zuko, should be at least as strong as Katara during a full moon)

Durability: Wall level physically, building+ with fire shields || Wall level physically, at least large building with fire shields.

Speed: At least supersonic+ || At least supersonic+

Intelligence: At least very high

Stamina: At least high.

Range: Dozens of meters with Firebending, hundreds of meters with lightning.

Weaknesses: Loses her Firebending during a solar eclipse, became emotionally unstable during Book 3 which caused her Firebending to weaken.

Standard equipment: Her hair ornament and a shuriken knife.

Key: Normally || Sozin's Comet
